Local Updates

Please contact us if you know of an area, place, or service in Mount Alexander Shire that requires improvements in accessibility. We are interested in your experience, and would like to collect detailed information.

Charging Stations:

A Wheelchair/Scooter charging station is available at Victory park in Castlemaine! The charging station can be found outside the Ray Bradfield Room.

The foyer at Castlemaine Library also has priority seats and charging stations for those with electronic mobility devices….


Greater Bendigo now boasts a fully accessible mobile bathroom called Marveloo, which will be available for hire for events being held throughout central Victoria and beyond.

Marveloo was designed to meet the needs of people with high care needs, profound and multiple learning disabilities, their carers and many other people with a disability who were unable to use standard accessible toilets.

For more information and booking visit the City of Greater Bendigo website here.